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Major threats to flora species

Key Finding

Thirty-four major threats have been previously identified that impact on Queensland threatened flora. The threats affecting the most species are ‘inappropriate fire regimes’, 'weeds' and ‘clearing of vegetation’. The impacts associated with climate change has also been identified as a major factor in the risk of extinction of flora species in Queensland.

A range of pressures put species at threat of extinction within Queensland. Of the 34 major threats previously identified that impact on Queensland threatened flora, the most significant are:

  • inappropriate fire regimes
  • weeds
  • clearing of vegetation
  • inappropriate grazing regimes
  • collectors.

Climate change also is expected to have both direct and indirect impacts on Queensland flora species.

As one of the key threats is inappropriate fire regimes, actively engaging and working cooperatively with First Nations People to introduce a traditional fire management approach may contribute to significantly reducing this threat.

The Department is changing the way it prioritises threats to flora species under its new Threatened Species Program which is currently under development and new information about threats will be available for the next State of the Environment Report.

More information:

Relevant Sustainable Development Goals’ targets


Download data from Queensland Government data


Major threats to threatened flora and numbers of flora affected by the threat. Data is current as at May 2020.