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Illegal removal of fossils at Riversleigh section of Australian Fossil Mammal Sites

You are viewing an archived copy of the 2017 report.

View the current 2020 report.

Key finding

Threats to Riversleigh include vandalism and the illegal removal of fossils from the area.

Riversleigh section of Australian Fossil Mammal Sites (information applies statewide, map locations are for reference only)

Small-scale disturbance through visitor theft has been reported. Some historical fossil theft has also been alleged, however there has been no documented evidence. Park management continues to undertake monitoring and surveillance to ensure these activities do not occur, and if they do, they do not impact on the site’s values.

This threat is considered very low.

More information:

Indicator: Illegal removal of fossils

Illegal removal of fossils pressure on the Riversleigh section of Australian Fossil Mammal Sites World Heritage Area.

Last updated 12 February 2020